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2023 Playbook
2023 Playbook
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2023 E-commerce Playbook: New Tactics for a New Landscape

Just when we all thought we had “the new e-commerce” down, supply chain issues and inflation turned everything upside down. This abrupt shift left even the hardiest brands feeling as if so, much is now out of their control. However, for everything that feels tenuous, there’s one thing very much still up to you: an adaptability mentality. 

Out of inventory due to shipping delays? No problem! Start a waitlist and grow your email list. Miss out on a Lightning Deal? Run a coupon through social media to sell more and gain followers. Website traffic down? Optimize your Amazon listings or advertising campaigns . . . It really is in your hands. 

Bring your adaptability mentality to this webinar and get problem-solving actionable strategies that put you back in the driver’s seat. Some of the brightest minds (and familiar faces) in e-commerce share their tactics and tips on for 2023 success. 


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