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q4 success optimizing inventory and logistics
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Roadmap to Q4 Success: Optimizing Inventory & Logistics

In a landscape where inventory and logistic challenges continue to stagger, how do you pivot your business strategy for profit recovery?

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Implementing planning and flexibility as tools to diversify risk
  • Uncovering new opportunities with partnerships
  • Utilizing non-dilutive capital as a lever to pull
  • The advantages of adopting inventory-minded marketing

Featuring e-commerce experts Chelsea Cohen, SoStocked CEO; Keith Myers, Shipware Senior Consultant; and Ricardo Pero, SellersFunding CEO.

About the Roadmap To Q4 Success Series

Roadmap To Q4 Success is the master class-style webinar series you’ve been waiting for. We’re bringing you top industry experts to discuss everything you need to know for year-end success. From inventory and logistics to marketing, store optimization, and beyond, we’ve got you covered with winning strategies to unleash your growth potential.

This webinar gives high-impact, actionable tips for getting your store ready for Q4 with the inventory and supply chain strategies you can use to win.

These methods can help you to minimize risks and maximize profits going forward.


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