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E-Commerce Outlook
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Conversations with CEOs: 2023 E-Commerce Outlook

Chances are that you’re familiar with Marketplace Pulse for their in-depth reports. They’ve conducted research into top marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart and they’ve compiled key data from millions of sellers and have a deep understanding of the 2023 e-commerce outlook.

With access to this kind of information, Marketplace Pulse is on point when it comes to forecasting trends. Listen in as SellersFi co-founder and CEO Ricardo Pero will be sitting down with Marketplace Pulse CEO Joe Kaziukėnas for a deep dive into the e-commerce outlook for 2023. 

We may all be heads down focusing on Q4, sales are likely to spike (plus the added Prime Early Access Sale), which results in greater effort across the board.

Now’s the time when you need to be planning and aware of potential market changes ahead. Start the new year strong by ending this year right.



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